Do you train people for snow sports? Let's Talk - Cube Dweller Fitness

Do you train people for snow sports? Let’s Talk

Snow season is coming. I’m already anxious to wax my snowboard. But this is the season to do that last push of pre-season training. I am planning on doing a few interviews with trainers for their pre-seasons training suggestions just for snow sports.

colin switch air by Tom JZ, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  Tom JZ 

Trainers – Signup To Give Your Advise

The series will hopefully include viewpoints from 5 different trainers. I already have one booked – that means there are only 4 slots left. First come, first interviewed.

I’m planning on doing the interviews via skype so location doesn’t matter. Let the internet expand our reach and help others get ready for snow season: snowboarding, skiing, ski-boarding, you name it.

Snow Enthusiasts – What’s Your Burning Pre-Season Training Question?

These interviews have not happened, yet. That means there is still time for you to help make these interviews even better. What concerns do you have as the snow season is approaching? What pre-season snowboarding or skiing question do you have?

Let’s Hear it

Post a comment below, or send me a message via our Contact Us page.

Do you train people for snow sports? Sign up for the remaining interview slots and share your advice.

Do you have questions for pre-season training? Send in your thoughts.


Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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