Exercise and Fitness Good For Office Workers - Cube Dweller Fitness

Exercise and Fitness Good For Office Workers

Nowadays, office workers find little time to engage in exercise and physical activities. They spend the whole day sitting in their desk glued to their work station and in their monitors. But doctors and medical experts say that this may not auger well for you no matter how ergonomically friendly your chair is. Sitting all day in your desk can make your muscles tense and tight.

According to Dr. Ralph Schmeltz, an internal medicine specialist, revealed that spending a lot of time seated in your workstation will not help in the flexibility, muscular strength, and in the health of lungs and heart. He recommends inserting fitness activities in your daily office routine. This does not mean doing push-ups or jumping jacks in your desk. Walking to the parking area or taking the stairs instead of the elevator is a good way of keeping your muscles working.

Spend a few minutes of your time to perform some stretches. A few stretching and exercise that you can do in the office include shoulder shrugs, upper body twist, torso stretch, neck roll, among others. For your legs, you can do toe raisers, seated leg extensions, stair climbs, to name just a few.

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Another possible exercise you can do in the office is to go to the department or cubicle of your colleagues to inform them of important matters rather than sending an interoffice memo. This will keep your body active and can help you burn calories.

If you are going out to take lunch or go on a coffee break, just take the stairs if you are just a couple of floors from the ground floor of your building. If the office is located say in the 30th or 45th floor, you can take the elevator to the 5th and then take the stairs from there. Consume the full hour to take a break

Drink a lot of water in your workstation. According to studies, drinking water can facilitate weight loss. The more trips to the restroom, the more calories will be burned. Choose a restroom that is the farthest from your desk to increase the calorie count.

Dr. Marilyn Heine, current President of the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED), eating healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables is also a smart way to stay fit and healthy.

Just because you are stuck in your 9-to-5 job does not mean that you can no longer think about how to stay healthy and fit. You need to take care of your body and think about staying fit or else you can find yourself not being effective with your job or worse lose your job eventually.

About the Author: Jeremy Trampel writes blogs and articles for a promotional items company selling healthcare promotional items. He is a gadgets freak and spends his spare time with his family and in surfing the Internet and watching television.

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