Nutrition Archives - Page 3 of 3 - Cube Dweller Fitness

What’s in your … breakfast?

What's in your ... breakfast?
Fuel, your body needs fuel. Especially if you are exercising. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. Your body has just spent hours working to rebuild and restore from the previous day and now it needs fuel. That initial burst of fuel from breakfast is also key in helping burn fat. Without that ...

Whey Protein Gut Bomb – oh my aching stomach

Whey Protein Gut Bomb - oh my aching stomach
We got a box of Weider Quick2Sip Whey Protein Singles. I’ve wondered about whey protein so I was excited to give them a try. The result … gut bomb! I’m a gluton for punishment so I had to try it more than once. The reaction was identical, tasted good, then Ca-POW my stomach started to ...