Tabata Basics - Cube Dweller Fitness

Tabata Basics

Tabata training is a form of high intensity interval training that has been proven to produce almost unbelievable results. To make them believable we need to dig into understand and expose some of the myths surrounding Tabata Training.

Free Video #2 – Tabata Myths

The Tabata Protocol has these core characteristics that separate it from other forms of interval training:

  • Intensity – 170 percent of VO2Max, 70 percent more oxygen demand than your body can handle.
  • 20 Seconds of work followed by 10 Seconds of Rest each round
  • 8 Rounds

Free eBook – Introduction to Tabata Training

Just for you. Here is a free eBook, Introduction To Tabatas, that walks through the basics of this form of training. It even includes a video with a perfect workout to use when you start venturing into Tabata training.

This eBook will get you started. Download it now. Thanks for being part of the CDF crew.

Tabata Sprints

It is easy to get started with Tabata’s, just grab your smart phone, SetStarter, or GymBoss timer and find an open space to sprint. Sprint-walk; repeat.

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This page is part of the Ten Kettlebell Tabatas. If you reached this page from a URL someone shared with you, sign up for our newsletter. You’ll get the complete 4-1-1 with videos, free eBooks, and more.

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