How Much Exercise is Too Much | Fitness Interview With Tony DiLorenzo - Cube Dweller Fitness

How Much Exercise is Too Much | Fitness Interview With Tony DiLorenzo

Tony-DiLorenzo-How-Much-Is-Too-MuchHow much exercise is too much? In this interview with Tony DiLorenzo, from Thrive90, dive into how much exercise is too much. We talk about what it takes to get crankin’. Get infected with the fitness bug, endorphin rush, but don’t get burned out or injured. Tune in to find out more.

How Much Exercise is Too Much?

Find 15-30 minutes 4 days per week you will be crankin’!

We are all busy, but 4-5 times each week. The workouts don’t need to be long 30-40 minutes each.

Don’t Half-Ass It

Have a plan. Warm-up, then have a focused plan to workout. Dive into each movement with determination and focus. That focus will make a huge difference in your workouts both in your enjoyment and in results.

Focus, short duration, 4 times per week.

Crankin’ baby! We decided that this is a perfect term. If you can find 3-4 times every week to workout you will be crankin’ it. That means you will be making improvements, seeing your body transform, and equip yourself to enjoy all life has to offer.

Form Matters

Just because we use the term crankin’ it doesn’t mean we throw form out the window. You know you’ve watched the Crossfit videos where form was long-lost. Hey, there’s lots that I like about Crossfit. The one downside I often see if crap form to gain speed. Don’t do it. When your form goes to crap, you should expect injury.

Vary your speed. Tony talks about using the dumbbells he has at home. He slows the movements down and can feel the impact. Just like I talked about in How To Do Pull-ups.

Interview With Tony DiLorenzo

This is part two from Tony. If you missed part 1, go back and find out how Tony packed on 16 pounds of muscle using Vince Delmonte’s No Nonsense Muscle Building program.

How Much is Too Much?

You just don’t need to exercise more than 4 times per week. Just carve out 4 times where you can workout for 15-30 minutes each week and you will see the difference.

But let’s hear from you. What have you found as the answer for how much exercise is too much? What wall did you hit? Did you get injured? Did you burn out? Where did you find balance? The key to how much exercise is too much is finding a level you can sustain for a lifetime.

How much exercise is too much? Leave your thoughts in a comment below.


Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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