3 Fat Loss Tips - Cube Dweller Fitness

3 Fat Loss Tips

Craig Ballantyne - Fat Loss InterviewAre you stuck with fat loss, just not progressing?
Are you confused about interval training versus just jumping on the treadmill?
Are you unsure about what to eat before, during, and after you workout?

Well Craig has the answers with 3 fat loss tips. I had a chance to get a few thoughts from the world-traveling Craig Ballantyne. He lays it out and helps with practical advice to burn more fat.

Tip 1 – Cardio For Fat Loss

60 minutes of cardio (treadmill) just isn't working. What's wrong?


It’s a great question, but research suggests that even doing 6 hours of cardio per week for an entire year might lead to only 5 pounds of fat loss (from a study in the journal of Obesity).

In reality, most people just don’t exercise very hard during cardio, and only burn a couple hundred calories during a workout, plus, they aren’t causing any muscle damage…muscle damage from high- intensity exercise likely increases after workout calorie burn – therefore giving better results from programs like Turbulence Training.

It’s also possible that cardio is making people hungry. One study found that subjects ate 200-300 extra calories after cardio. So that could be the problem.

Tip 2 – Intervals Versus Steady State

Which is more effective doing Interval Training (Hiit) or Steady State Cardio (SSC) . If you are already dieting and doing a weights as a complete program for burning fat.


Interval training. Plus, it takes less time.

Research from Australia found that 20 minutes of interval training resulted in more fat loss than 40 minutes of long, slow cardio. Each was done 3x’s per week for 15 weeks in two groups of women.

Interval training should be done after resistance training, three times per week.

Tip 3 – What To Eat and What Not To Eat

Pre-/Post-workout eats: what's good, what's not?
(There is so much conflicting info and even research out there. BCAAs, Carbs, protein, and everything else)


Nutrition is really simple.

Eat when you are hungry, don’t eat when you’re not hungry.

Build your diet around whole, natural foods.

Focus on fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, and protein sources.

Minimize added sugar and processed carbohydrates.

There’s no need to force calories if you are not hungry.

Find out how many calories you are eating each day.

If you want to lose fat, improve the quality of your diet and decrease your calorie intake.

Thanks Craig. There you have it, 3 fat loss tips to help you keep getting better and exercise more efficiently.

Craig has been busy over the past 10 months working closely with another fitness guru, Joel Marion. Together they have pulled together a new program that combines both exercise and nutrition to help you burn fat 24 hours a day. They are giving out a ton of great free information during their launch program.

Don’t miss out – sign up now at 24 7 Fat Loss.


Troy is the founder of Cube.Dweller.Fitness. He's an innovation catalyst in several areas of life including business, marketing, and process improvement. Outside of work he's actively involved in fitness, health, and living vibrantly in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

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