How to Squeeze Workouts into a Busy Day - Cube Dweller Fitness

How to Squeeze Workouts into a Busy Day

Schedules are crazy busy. I know first-hand. With Colorado Wildfires in Waldo Canyon, house guests at our home for two weeks, and a national holiday – life has been crazy. So crazy it has been difficult to squeeze workouts into the day. Thankfully we stayed active with our friends by getting out hiking and exploring. But the fact remains your schedule will often be a huge hurdle to clear when finding time to workout and lose weight.

The timing of this guest post from David DACK is very fitting. He gives four tips on how to squeeze workouts into a busy day. Check it out.

Fitting workouts into a busy daily schedule is no easy feat. But it’s the worth the payoffs. People who to work out regularly—regardless of what’s happening around them—tend to achieve better fitness results over the long haul. On the other hand, if you’re in the habit of falling victim to your hectic schedule, then your chances of getting and staying fit are next to none.

As a result, here are some practical tips to help you squeeze workouts into a busy day with ease.

Plan In Advance

Lack of planning leads to mediocre results. In fact, the most consistent exercisers are good planners. Therefore, you need to take the time to actually sit down and come up with a concrete training plan. Make sure to address any waste or surplus time that can be addressed to create more workout time.

As soon as you find the best time-chunks for the exercise, schedule your workout the same way you would an appointment. After that, following the plan every week can come handy.

Moleskine Planner

Go old-school and use a Moleskine Planner to make room for workouts.

Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License  by  the Italian voice 

Get up Earlier

Instead of opting for the attitude of finding time, adopt the stance of creating time. And the best way to do so is get up earlier than usually and work out first thing in the morning. In fact, people who work out in the early morning tend to achieve higher consistency with their training programs— regardless of how a hectic their schedule is for the rest of the day.

You can start off this by getting your training gears ready for the workout the night before, and going early to bed so you can get the required amount of sleep so when the alarm goes off, you’ll be ready and set for the workout.

Be Consistent

When it comes to creating an effective training regimen, consistency is key. Even in times when you don’t have much time for a “full workout”, opting for a 20-minute workout—especially if you up the ante by doing a short interval training session—is better than doing nothing.

The more consistent you’re with your training program, the more you program your mind to view working out as a natural part of your daily life, hence you will not need a full workout to do the same trick; instead leave those time-consuming workouts for weekends or other days when you’ve more time.

Focus on Quality, Forget Quantity

Many fitness enthusiasts believe that the best workout should last for more than an hour, so when they’re pressed for time, a full hour workout is no longer a choice. Opting for the training mentality is a sure way to suffer from lack of consistency and further setbacks and disappointments with your fitness resolution.

The better approach is to opt for High Intensity Interval Training. This type of training burns colossal amounts of calories without burning much of your precious time. Not only that, interval training is ideal for boosting metabolism levels through the roof, improving cardiovascular power and fitness levels, build muscle mass, thus it’ll definitely get you into the best shape of your life.

About the author: David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.

If you want more free tips from David DACK, then go to Weight Loss by Running and for a limited time you can download his 35-Pages “Weight Loss By Running” eBook for FREE.

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