Fitness Archives - Page 17 of 22 - Cube Dweller Fitness

Turbulence Training | Beginner Workout

Here is a guest post from Craig Ballantyne about his Turbulence Training Total Beginner Program. He shares my love of bodyweight exercises and high intensity interval training instead of long, slow, boring cardio programs. Check out the guest post: The last thing you want a beginner to do is long, slow, boring cardio workouts. Two ...

YouTube Fitness | Strap Workout – NOT!

There is so much fitness content on YouTube, I’m going to start sharing the gems I unearth. Here is an insane workout from Scott Herman Fitness using wrist straps – a Strap Workout. Sure Scott’s built like a tank, but this workout is complete insanity. Strap Workout If you are my age you probably already ...

Workout for Fitness | What’s Your Fitness Level

Workout for Fitness | What's Your Fitness Level
When we workout for fitness we want to improve our life, right? But we also need to take an honest look at where we are currently. We need to be asking What’s your fitness level? Workout for Fitness When we workout we take precious time from our schedule, we sweat, we struggle, and often feel ...

10,000 Kettlebell Swings | Fitness Challenge

April 30 – the end of my Got Milk and 10,000 Swings? challenge. I finished the month completing 10,000 swings and even moved up to my 28kg kettlebell. The high-rep kettlebell routine definitely pushes my cardio system. Kettlebell Swings Today I increased the weight and shot for 500 reps. Increasing the weight by 4kg doesn’t ...

Kettlebell Routines|Beginner Workout

Kettlebell Routines|Beginner Workout
Where to start with kettlebells? Unless your the guys living under the rock on the Geico commercial you have been hearing about kettlebells. They have become incredibly popular as a way to burn fat, build muscle, and pack high intensity cardio into a short workout. Here is a kettlebell routine for beginners. This is part ...

Burpees|Mountain Climbers|Bulgarian Training Bag Swings|Kettlebell Clean and Press|Oh My!

Interval training with four of my favorite exercises: burpees, mountain climbers, bulgarian bag swings, and kettlebell clean-n-press. This is a great workout you can pack into a short amount of time. The Workout The workout combines those four exercises into some high-intensity interval training (HIIT) by timing each exercise, then allowing a short period for ...

Could You Workout At Work?

Could You Workout At Work?
As a Cube Dweller I spend too much time sitting, don’t we all. So that got me wondering what others recommend for us office workers. I ran across a few posts talking about office workouts. None seem to fit, what do you think.   by  lindsay.dee.bunny  The Office Workout as described by Tanya outlines 8 exercises to ...

6,000 Kettlebell Swings|Fitness Challenge

6,000 Kettlebell Swings|Fitness Challenge
Late night workout last night brings my count up to 6,000 kettlebell swings so far this month. I’m swinging away on my Got Milk and 10,000 Swings? challenge and I’m on my 6th gallon of milk. Swings I finished 6,000 kettlebell swings so far this month. My Got Milk and 10,000 Swings? challenge is pushing ...

Metabolic Conditioning|Plyo Box Jumps|Bulgarian Training Bag|Pullups|Ring Dips

Start the morning with metabolic conditioning with box jumps, bulgarian bag swings, pullups, and ring dips. Kick the metabolism into gear so it burns hot all day – love it. The workout is simple in theory, but hard to push through completely. I ended up needing short breaks between exercises in the last round. Try ...